Publications of Andrew Cartwright
Translating Domestic violence norms in five countries of East Central Europe
This chapter looks at norms translation processes in the field of domestic violence. Using data from five countries of East Central Europe (ECE): Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania, proposes a multi-pronged cross-directional international influence model that challenges traditional top down understandings of international influence. I argue that international influence is not direct, linear and top-down but constructed and negotiated in processes of interaction between international actors and domestic agents, where translation processes influence the direction of policy change. International influence provides content to reforms through defining, communicating and monitoring norms, and through facilitating the production of evidence for domestic violence as a policy problem. In order to understand the nature of international influence, we have to look beyond norms transfer at two additional mechanisms through which it impacts domestic policy processes. First, international influence can create ‘political opportunities’ to enable domestic mobilization for policy change. Second, domestic agents are key in translation of international norms. Enabling such agency becomes critical in processes of norms translation. The chapter shows how international influence understood along these lines contributes to variation in policy progress achieved in different contexts.
Different Horizons: Aid, Trade and Official Development Assistance in Hungary
State development assistance is constantly changing. There are new countries involved such as Turkey, Brazil and Venezuela and the central and eastern members of the European Union. Not so long ago, some of these new donors were themselves recipients of grant, cheap loans and technical assistance. Their status as emerging democracies or transition countries gives them an alternative perspective on development co-operation and external support, and for some of the more established international development organizations, this can translate into a different kind of solidarity, less tinged with ambivalent post-colonial relations. Non-state development assistance is also changing in size and importance; in some fields, private philanthropy outspends state programs tenfold; in other cases, lines between business and development are blurred as more and more companies participate in actions that are part profit making but also with a clear social agenda. Although the stress is on partnerships, there are still those involved in development that stress more political agendas, for example, cross border democracy promotion and the different colour revolutions. In this context, it is worthwhile having a clearer idea of just who are these new development actors and how far are they working to traditional models of development assistance and support? What is the actual meaning of partnership within countries and between countries? How does one country get to be a priority partner and what does the general public think of all these efforts to improve living standards abroad? This report represents the Hungarian chapter of a nine country inventory of current development practices in central and eastern Europe. Led by the Center for Economic Development in Sofia, it is the first systematic attempt to provide detailed information and analysis on Official Development Assistance in these countries and the respective roles of the civic and private sector in both policy and practice. We hope that it can make a useful contribution to debates on the future of this emerging sector.
Monitoring Committees in Cohesion Policy: Overseeing the Distribution of Structural Funds in Hungary and Slovakia
Under European Union (EU) law, Monitoring Committees (MCs) are charged with overseeing the implementation of Operational Programmes. Despite their potential to influence the process of fund disbursement, relatively little is known about the Committees’ operation and their impact in the new member states. This article is an empirical study of how three MCs actually work in Hungary and Slovakia. We find that whilst these bodies have relatively limited oversight capacities and are characterised by a primary concern with procedural compliance with EU requirements, nevertheless, they have an important role in providing significant opportunities for learning, information exchange, expert input and networking.
Re-visiting the Partnership Principle in Cohesion Policy: The Role of Civil Society Organisations in Structural Funds Monitoring
This article investigates the horizontal dimension of partnership arrangements in cohesion policy in three EU Member States: Austria, Hungary and Slovakia. The focus is on the practice of the monitoring committees (MCs), the primary institutional expression of partnership in the distribution of Structural Funds. The main findings are that in each country NGO participation in the MCs remained contentious, the working of the committees was rather formalistic, and the bodies' purpose and role conceptions were ambiguous. The implication is that partnership as currently practised does not live up either to normative expectations suggested by the EU regulation of the committees or to the expectations of civil society partner organizations themselves.
Social Capital, Regional Development, and Europeanization in Hungary. A Literature Review
The paper offers a critical approach to the definition of social capita, arguing that network component of the standard ‘social capital mix’ provides the most robust justification for the capital ascription of social capital. Whilst an emphasis on networks might appear to follow a narrow economic interpretation of capital, the paper suggests that it is useful for explaining the role of social capital within regional development and Euro¬peanisation especially in post-socialist contexts. The paper offers an overview of some recent estimates of social capital in Hungary comparing the country with other EU countries and others in Central and East Europe. Next, it addresses regional development and social capital, including core topics such as territorial distribution of social capital, its association with various aspects of regional development. The section also includes related research on social capital in cross-border relations, minority governance, and social capital and local labour markets. TThe final part deals with specific policies targeting uneven regional development, in particular, the current and upcoming EU co-financed regional development policies. Here, the question of regional influence in shaping absorption capacities will be highlighted, in particular, relations between the local public, private and civil sectors and relations between the regional and central authorities. The paper concludes with an overview of the few Hungarian analyses of Europeanisation, with special emphasis on the role social capital plays in influencing the operation of Structural Funds, in particular, the impact of greater civic engagement in the production of National Development Plans.
Social Capital, Regional Development, and Europeanisation in Hungary A Literature Review
The paper offers a critical approach to the definition of social capita, arguing that network component of the standard ‘social capital mix’ provides the most robust justification for the capital ascription of social capital. Whilst an emphasis on networks might appear to follow a narrow economic interpretation of capital, the paper suggests that it is useful for explaining the role of social capital within regional development and Europeanization especially in post-socialist contexts. The paper offers an overview of some recent estimates of social capital in Hungary comparing the country with other EU countries and others in Central and East Europe. Next, it addresses regional development and social capital, including core topics such as territorial distribution of social capital, its association with various aspects of regional development. The section also includes related research on social capital in cross-border relations, minority governance, and social capital and local labor markets. The final part deals with specific policies targeting uneven regional development, in particular, the current and upcoming EU co-financed regional development policies. Here, the question of regional influence in shaping absorption capacities will be highlighted, in particular, relations between the local public, private and civil sectors and relations between the regional and central authorities. The paper concludes with an overview of the few Hungarian analyses of Europeanization, with special emphasis on the role social capital plays in influencing the operation of Structural Funds, in particular, the impact of greater civic engagement in the production of National Development Plans.
Compact relations – Charities and the New Deal
Charities are playing a significant role in the implementation of the government’s New Deal programme. From providing advice on local employment issues to administrative services to work placements, the voluntary sector has been working in public/private partnerships throughout England and Wales. However, despite the government’s commitments in the Compact between it and the voluntary sector to support the independence and creativity of the sector, the New Deal for 18–24 year olds reinforces many of the negative sides to the ‘contract culture’. This article will examine working relations between charities and the State post compact, using charities’ participation in New Deal as a case study. We will argue that participating charities face a series of potential legal pitfalls. They might also find that, instead of being fully funded through State funds, their participation in the delivery of New Deal is partially funded through their own charitable resources.